RDJ Comedy Presents Monday Night Comedy at The Grisly Pear Midtown
“Possibly the 9th best NEW independent produced comedy night in Midtown!”
See comics who also subscribe to Netflix, Max & Amazon Prime
RDJ Comedy Presents are a diverse group of producers;
a Queer, Black Catholic Man,
a straight married, British immigrant,
and a young New York Jewish Graduate who might have slept with your daughter or niece.
They play across the Five Boroughs and beyond to showcase the nicest new comics on the nicest new stage in Manhattan.
Headliner PETER ANGELO is a metalhead and the best comedian. He is a strongish man. He’s played Broadway, Stand UP NY and across the nation. Will you see him in your dreams tonight?
NANCY O’CONNOR has the best comedy adventures with her manager across the 13 Colonies and Ireland. Her podcast is Nancy Knows Nothing and she was a finalist in the Laughing Buddha Comedy Festival.
KARL XIE is from Long Island City and did not write Rihanna’s song “Diamonds”. Karl performs in both Mandarin and English. Which would you like tonight?
ROBERT GEORGE is one of NYC's greatest journalists and Political Opinion writers, and has the annoying ability to make any punchline 100% better in a matter of seconds. You’ll have seen him on MSNBC, CNN and Fox News. He’s that important
DAN MORFITT is exiled from the UK but can now be heard across the Tri-state on freeform WFMU radio. Back in England he was a radio announcer and TV news anchor, now he tries to make people laugh. Pivot.
JAKE MILLER has both the rare and very common quality in New York Comedy circles of reminding you a little bit of Pete Davidson. By 2034, everyone will be part Pete Davidson. Recently graduated, he likes doing voices. Prepare yourself.