This event has passed. Please check out all our upcoming events here.


  • The shows are 21+ only
  • Show is at the Grisly Pear Greenwich Village location
  • Patrons must arrive 15 minutes before show time or risk losing their seats with no refund. Note that weekend shows typically sell out
  • 2 Drink/Item Minimum per guest
  • No refunds or exchanges.
  • In case of inclement weather, the show will go on unless it is dangerous to do so.
  • Lineup subject to change without notice
Note: This event is at our Greenwich Village location location
  • Grisly Pear
    107 Macdougal St., New York, NY
Featuring comedians you’ve seen on Comedy Central, HBO, and more, the Grisly Pear’s showcase show is not to be missed! Expect an authentic NYC showcase club experience: a diverse range of comedians and styles, and lots of laughs.

Kunal C. Arora
Kareem Green
Kenny Warren
Christy Miller