Come join Comedy Leopard for an evening of laughs with some of the best comedians NYC has to offer! ----------------------The Grisly Pear Midtown is the newest upscale addition to the Pear family! The club features an insider look at the best NYC has to offer just steps...
As seen on HBO's "Crashing," The Grisly Pear is one of the hottest up-and-coming comedy clubs in the city. Booked by comics, for comics, the Grisly Pear therefore offers a unique insider perspective on the NYC comedy scene. Expect stars from Netflix, HBO, Comedy...
The Grisly Pear Midtown is the newest upscale addition to the Pear family! The club features an insider look at the best NYC has to offer just steps from Times Square. Expect comedians you've seen on HBO, Comedy Central, Netflix, Late Night TV, and more, plus the hottest...
As seen on HBO's "Crashing," The Grisly Pear is one of the hottest up-and-coming comedy clubs in the city. Booked by comics, for comics, the Grisly Pear therefore offers a unique insider perspective on the NYC comedy scene. Expect stars from Netflix, HBO, Comedy...
As seen on HBO's "Crashing," The Grisly Pear is one of the hottest up-and-coming comedy clubs in the city. Booked by comics, for comics, the Grisly Pear therefore offers a unique insider perspective on the NYC comedy scene. Expect stars from Netflix, HBO, Comedy...